Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 24 egg diet update and the last day on eggs!

I had to unexpectedly go out of town for work today but yesterday was 10 eggs and down another .5 of a pound. I had eggs all day today. I bought pre-hard boiled from trader joes. However I do not have my scale here so I am not going to be sure about my weight again until I get home sunday August 4th. Continue you on eggs? Or eat primal and low sugar and hope for the best???

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/13/13: 180
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177 UP!!!!
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Day 20: 7/27/13: 172.5
Day 21: 7/28/13: 171.5
Day 22: 7/29/13: 170.5
Day 23: 7/30/13: 169.5
Day 24: 7/31/13: 169
Total Lost so far: 23 pounds

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Egg Diet Day 23 Update

There isn't much to update. Down another pound! Yay! Feeling really good mentally and physically. I ate 15 hard boiled eggs yesterday. I walked 5 miles and did some squats, lunges and shoulder weights. Including today only two days left of eggs and then the real adventure begins....seeing if I can continue on a healthy path and keep this weight off. Thanks for reading! <3 

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/13/13: 180
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177 UP!!!!
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Day 20: 7/27/13: 172.5
Day 21: 7/28/13: 171.5
Day 22: 7/29/13: 170.5
Day 23: 7/30/13: 169.5
Total Lost so far: 22.5 pounds

Monday, July 29, 2013

Egg Diet Update Day 22

I was extra hungry so I ended up eating 15 eggs yesterday but I woke up this morning a pound down! I did 3 sets of 50 kettle bells swings and a 3 mile walk with the hubby. Also, lots of house work. 3 more egg diets left. I am pretty excited that it looks like I will make it to 169 which is what I hoped for. I have made a menu for August 1st. Let me know what you think. I am so curious to see if I bounce up. I feel so much leaner....I hope its real. 

Breakfast:Grassfed Steak with onions and an apple
Lunch:Grilled Chicken with raw salad veggies and homemade avocado lime dressing
Snack:Almonds and Berries 
Dinner:Mahi Mahi with coconut oil sautéed broccoli 

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/13/13: 180
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177 UP!!!!
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Day 20: 7/27/13: 172.5
Day 21: 7/28/13: 171.5
Day 22: 7/29/13: 170.5
Total Lost so far: 21.5 pounds

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Egg Diet Update Day 21

Today was supposed to be the end of the experiment. I extended it until the end of the month because I messed up and ate tons of sugar on day 13. Including today only 4 more days of eggs. Yesterday I ate 12 eggs, all hard boiled, dipped in hot sauce. I had a really busy day so it was easy to only eat when I was hungry. No exercise but lots of errands and walking. I don't think I drank enough water because I was out and about all day. I tried to drink extra when I got home but ended up at about half of what I usually drink. Not sure if that will affect me at all. Down another pound!! Strangely the things I look forward to eating the most on August 1st when this is over is my hubby's grilled grass fed steak, some veggies and an apple. Those foods sound the most appealing and luckily they are healthy and shouldn't cause a rebound. (I hope!) My biggest battle will just be staying away from any processed junk or sugar that isn't fruit. It is pretty easy for me to eat well at home. It social engagements and traveling that gets me. However I am very dedicated to figuring out what works for me so I can stay healthy and continue to keep my weight headed in the right direction. Non scale victory: I can fit into all my size 8 dresses and all my size 10 pants again! YAY!!!!!

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/13/13: 180
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Day 20: 7/27/13: 172.5
Day 21: 7/28/13: 171.5
Total Lost so far: 20.5 pounds

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Egg Diet Update

A new low weigh in...YAY! I am back to feeling great again. I also feel better about myself because I am back on track and fulfilling my commitment. Only 5 more days so I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was however invited to another party this Sunday but I decided I was going to skip it. I don't want to be put in that situation again since I am so close to the end of this experiment. I ate 12 eggs scrambled yesterday. I also did a spin class. It amazes me that I do not experience this low carb energy lows people always tell me about. I actually was the most lethargic I've been the day after the sugar binge. More tomorrow. Thanks for sticking with me. 

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Day 20: 7/27/13: 172.5
Total Lost so far: 19.5 pounds

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Egg Diet Update

Had a nice 20 mile bike ride with the hubby. Did some kettle bell work. 10 eggs, all hard boiled with mustard. I don't have a very big appetite right now which is great. I am really starting to plan my eating for August 1st which is when this experiment will be over. I know I am going to be doing a primal style lifestyle. What I don't know if how many calories I should shoot for and how much fruit I should allow myself. It may be the start of a new experiment! <3 

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Day 19: 7/26/13: 173
Total Lost so far: 19 pounds

Egg Diet Update

Same old, same old over here. 20 min Run, 30 mins weight lifting yesterday. 
12 Eggs yesterday, 4 hardboiled with hot sauce, 8 scrambled in coconut oil with sea salt and pepper. Finally detoxed from the sugar day. I lost half a pound. Thank you to everyone from who have been so kind, encouraging and wise! More tomorrow. :)

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Day 18: 7/25/13: 173.5
Total Lost so far: 18.5 pounds

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Sorry I missed a few days! Life got very hectic. All was going well and then saturday night I went to a party. I ate my dinner of eggs and felt very strong. When I got there they had a chocolate fountain with chopped fruit and cake, chips, dip, appetizers, sangria, and more. I had a great time at the party but was very very tempted. However I got through the party an didn't eat a thing! 

And then, I drove home alone after mid-night. All I wanted to sugar sugar sugar. All I thought about was all that food I didn't eat. Instead of feeling empowered, I felt week. I stopped at a drug store and I bought myself chocolate, candy and ice cream. I got home and I ate it. All of it. 

I basically passed out from a sugar crash / carb coma and woke up the next morning devastated. I has been so strong and so dedicated to this project and I screwed it all up in one swoop. Not only did I screw it up, but I screwed it up BIG. I could have bought some fruit or something but no, I went all out with true junk which is my trigger food. 

On Sunday morning I knew I had two choices, I could throw in the towel or I could brush off the screw up and recommit right that very moment. I chose the second option. I made myself some eggs and headed to the gym to burn off that sugar. The scale of course went up but happily that last few days I have been back to eggs and the scale is moving back down again. 

So there you have it. I wanted to be honest with every part of this experiment. Sigh. I am now thinking about extending the experiment until July 31st which would make it 24 days day to make up for the bad day. Sorry I let some of you down.  

Day 1 7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174
*(MAJOR SUGAR MESS UP)* 7/20/13: 173
7/21/13: 177
7/22/13: 175
7/23/13: 174
Day 17: 7/24/13: 174
Total Lost so far: 18 pounds

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 11 Egg Diet

Day 11 went really well. I was super busy and I almost forgot to eat lunch. I really thing the very best thing about the egg fast is that is really seems to regulate your appetite. I ate three hard boiled eggs for breakfast, three hard boiled eggs for a late lunch and for dinner I was more hungry than usual and had 6 eggs fried in coconut oil. I find I have been sleeping so much better and waking up before my alarm clock very refreshed at 6am. I went shopping at the mall with a friend to look for a dress for an upcoming work event and I felt awesome until I smelled the food court. I could literally smell the sugar and carbs. Luckily once the smell was gone so was the slight urge to eat the junk in the food court. I find that my muscless in my arms, shoulders, and back are popping out more than usual which is a nice perk. I guess it may be because I am carb depleted. Day 11 was the first morning I woke up to the same weight. I wasn't sad. I don't believe the weight loss is over, it just may slow down from here. Still, I can't complain. I am over half way done with this experiment. I can make it! :)

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174
7/19/13: 174

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 10 Egg Diet

OK, there has got to be a day when I step on the scale and DON'T lose weight. I keep waiting for it to happen. It wouldn't disappoint me because I know I can't keep dropping like this. However so far it hasn't happened. I have lost weight every single day. It is a really great perk for sure! Eating eggs is so much easier when the reward is so great. I continue to feel wonderful. I cut out the avocado for day 10. I ran out of it and haven't gotten to the store yet. I had 12 eggs with coconut oil and surprisingly I enjoyed them. I guess it is lucky that I still love eggs after all of this. I'm almost half way to 21 days! Anyone out out there ever try anything like this?

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175
7/18/13: 174

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 9 Egg Diet

Day 9 I kept going with the avocado only because it tasted so good and was a fun change. Fat and Protein never seem to give me any problems. It's too many carbs that seem to spur on bouts of cravings and over eating. I feel very in control right now and hope that once the experiment phase is over I can transition into more food groups and stay healthy. I recently stumbled upon and read about the primal food plan. It excludes most of my trigger foods and is very healthy and natural. That is where I think I am headed once this is over. I lost another pound! I am amazed. If I can get back to the 160's by the end of this I will be over the moon! I did a full body weight routine today and had 12 eggs and 1 avocado. Energy=awesome! Actually my husband thinks I am nuts for doing this but he even comments how great I look after such a short time and how I am not cranky like I usually am when I am "dieting". I might be nuts, but I do not regret this experiment. 

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176
7/17/13: 175

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 8 Egg Diet

Ok, so I was craving something different but I didn't want to deviate to much from my plan because it has been working so well. For day 8 I decided to eat 3 eggs per meal which is 9 eggs for the day and 1/3 of an avocado with each serving of eggs. I didn't want to add anything carb-y or that may start giving me cravings. I really enjoyed the change and I feel good. Best of all....after eggs and avocado...down another pound! Wow. I can't possibly gain this all back and it can not all be water weight. My clothes are getting loose after only 8 days! I have never seen changes happen so quickly. This may be extreme but it does work. Since it is all whole healthy food I don't feel bad about it. Back tomorrow for day 9! I hope this helps someone out there. 

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177
7/16/13: 176

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 7 Egg Diet

I'm still egg diet strong and I made it through a whole week! It seems my body is pretty happy with 12 eggs per day. I'm not hungry. I recover well from my work outs. My energy level is still awesome. The only problem is that I am bored of eggs. However I am using this as a tool to be more in touch with true hunger. When you are truly hungry you eat anything. So eggs will be fine even if my taste buds want ice cream. :)

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178
7/15/13: 177

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 6 Egg Diet

I am not eating hard boiled eggs anymore. I was sooooooo over them. I might come back to them after a while but for day 6 I ate 12 eggs scrambled with a tiny bit of coconut oil spray to grease the pan and some celtic sea salt and pepper. They were delicious and it was fun to have a change. I still feel great and had another great workout. One of the best parts of it is that I feel so free. I was shackled to sugar for so long and hated living in that unhealthy cycle. I also had a lot more energy highs and lows when I was eating sugar. I feel pretty steady now. I do not have any brain fog and am able to function highly. What has been on my mind most lately is how to transition from this to a healthy balanced eating plan on day 22. I am afraid to reopen the door to carbs, even healthy ones because I don't want to regain weight or have intense cravings like I was before. I am taking this time to do a lot of research. I may transition from this to paleo or something like it. I need something I can make an every day lifestyle. But for now I am enjoying my Egg Diet success! I can not believe I am still losing! :)

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182
7/14/13: 178

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 5 Egg Diet

I was holding my breath when I weighted in. After already losing 10 pounds in such a short time I thought for sure the scale would stop moving daily but it hasn't yet! I would love to end my 21 days in the 160's but I doubt it's possible. So far so good though! 
Day 5 has been my best day yet. My body really seems to really be thriving on only eggs. Most people who knew I was going to do this experiment thought I was nuts and would feel horrible. Even they are surprised by my happy disposition and good energy. I had another great workout yesterday! Also, I wanted to mention that even though eggs are a powerhouse food full of high quality protein, fat, vitamins and minerals they do not contain everything you may need. I am supplementing my diet with a multi vitamin, b complex, and vitamin c. I think anyone who tries this diet should seriously consider supplementing as well. Well, I'll update again tomorrow. Off to the gym and then to the store, I am almost out of eggs! :)

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182

Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 4 Egg Diet

Well, I can not really complain. My energy levels are up! I haven't had any cravings as of day 4. I am not hungry as the eggs keep me very satisfied. Some people have asked me if I have been constipated but I have not been at all.  I have still been "going" every morning. I am getting a little sick of eating only hard boiled eggs so tomorrow I think I am going to eat them scrambled. I have to try and keep it a little bit interesting. Honestly though, I am very motivated to keep it up because I have lost 10 pounds and an 1.5 inches off my waist in 4 days! That's incredible! Even if I lost a lot of water weight my clothes feel better and I feel leaner. It hasn't been that difficult ether. I just have kept myself very busy and I eat eggs when I get hungry. On day 4 I ate 12 eggs. I have been sleeping better and I got a great workout in and felt great. :) Onward to day 5! I am very interested in how much weight I will lose during these 21 days and if most of it will stay of once I transition to a healthy balanced diet. You never know until you experiment and learn what works for your body. I really think this break from the foods I struggle with (carbs & sugar!) is really good for my body, mind and spirit. 

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183
7/12/13: 182

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day 3 Egg Diet

Yesterday was day three and my energy levels are still low but not as bad as day two. I did a 30 mins cardio session and 30 min full body weight lifting routine. I ate 12 eggs and was completely satisfied. My hunger levels have gone down and I didn't get a headache at all today. I was ready for bed very early at 9pm but I slept really well. I've been really thirsty and drinking lots of water. Again the scale was down, YAY! This experiment is going well and I am excited to see how much weight I can lose in the 21 days. Stay tuned! :) 

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186
7/11/13: 183

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day 2 Egg Diet

Day two of the all egg diet was rough. I felt very sluggish and the sugar cravings were intense. I did a light workout anyway but I was lacking my normal energy. I have been through sugar detox before so I expected this. I knew the only way to feel better is to push through. I ate 15 eggs yesterday with a little hot sauce. My weight is still going down fast which is the silver lining. I also love that I don't have to waste a lot of time on food prep or wondering what I am going to eat each day. I boil my eggs each day, peel them and they are ready to go. I am not even sick of them yet. Luckily I really love eggs. :) Success so far!

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188
7/10/13: 186

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 1 Egg Diet

Well yesterday was my first day on the Egg diet. I ended up eating 16 eggs yesterday. I ate 4 eggs at a time 4 times yesterday. I was pretty hungry as I was detoxing off sugar/carbs. I also got a headache in the afternoon from withdrawals. I took some advil and felt better. My energy levels were pretty good. I did 45 mins of cardio and a upper body weight lifting session. I woke up this morning feeling really great. I also weighed in 4 pounds down already! I know a lot of this was water weight but it still feels good to see the scale going down. I ate the hard boiled eggs plain yesterday. Today I may dip them in mustard, hot sauce or soy sauce to make them more appealing. I am not sick of them yet but I have 20 days left to go! Thanks for following my little experiment. I'll be back to update tomorrow. :)

7/8/13 Starting Weight: 192
7/9/13: 188

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why an Egg Diet?

Hello, my name is Egg Girl and I am a sugar addict. I have used and abused food for most of my life as a coping mechanism. Let's face it, life is hard and having something to comfort you and take the edge off feels good temporarily. However after losing quite a bit of weight I have started gaining again and I am not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I have found that I only overeat processed carbs and sugar. When I do a lower carb lifestyle I seem to have less physical cravings and feel better. I do however still fight with the mental cravings that tell me I want cake now! :) I decided I wanted to do a detox of sorts where I focused all of my daily calories on fat/protein. I have been researching a lot and read several things about the Egg Diet but there was very little written about actual people's results. I decided for 21 days I will egg only hard boiled eggs. I will eat when hungry and not for pleasure. I will detox of carbs and sugar. It would be nice to lose some weight in the process too. I will be updating my results here so in the future people can see a real life account on what it is like to drop to zero carbs and live on only whole fresh organic free range eggs for 21 days. Today is the start of my little experiment. I woke up this morning and weighed in. I am 5'7'' and currently weigh 192 pounds. I will let you know how this goes! Wish me luck! ;)